Common vocabulary for topic: Environment
Th.năm, 22/08/2024, 16:57 Lượt xem: 4391


The environment is everything around us, including the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on. Taking care of the environment is important because it affects our health and the planet’s future. To understand and talk about these topics, it’s helpful to know some common words related to the environment. These words help us discuss how we can protect nature, keep our surroundings clean, and live in a healthier world.



1. Nature





1ForestA large area covered with trees.The forest is home to many animals.
2RiverA large flow of water that moves to the sea.The river flows through the countryside.
3MountainA tall, natural elevation of the earth.We climbed the mountain and saw the beautiful view.
4LakeA large body of water surrounded by land.We went swimming in the lake on a hot day.
5BeachSandy land next to the sea.The kids played in the sand on the beach.
6OceanA vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth.The ocean is very deep and full of sea life.
7DesertA dry, sandy area with very little rain.The desert has very few plants and animals.
8ParkAn area of land with trees and grass for people to enjoy.

We had a picnic in the park.


9FieldAn open area of land, usually covered in grass.The field was full of colourful flowers.
10SwampA wetland area with many trees and plants.The swamp is home to frogs and other wildlife.


2. Weather 





1ForestA large area covered with trees.The forest is home to many animals.
2RiverA large flow of water that moves to the sea.The river flows through the countryside.
3MountainA tall, natural elevation of the earth.We climbed the mountain and saw the beautiful view.
4LakeA large body of water surrounded by land.We went swimming in the lake on a hot day.
5BeachSandy land next to the sea.The kids played in the sand on the beach.
6OceanA vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth.The ocean is very deep and full of sea life.
7DesertA dry, sandy area with very little rain.The desert has very few plants and animals.
8ParkAn area of land with trees and grass for people to enjoy.

We had a picnic in the park.


9FieldAn open area of land, usually covered in grass.The field was full of colourful flowers.
10SwampA wetland area with many trees and plants.The swamp is home to frogs and other wildlife.


3. Recycling






1RecycleTo use something again or make new items from old ones.We recycle paper to help save trees.
2BinA container for collecting recyclables.We make compost from our food scraps.
3PaperMaterial made from trees.We use recycled paper to make new notebooks.
4PlasticA material that can be recycled into new items.Plastic bottles can be recycled into new products.
5GlassA clear material that can be recycled.Glass jars can be cleaned and used again.
6MetalA material used to make cans and other items.Aluminum cans are recycled into new cans.
7TrashWaste that cannot be recycled.Trash goes into the garbage bin.
8ContainerA box or bag used to hold recyclables.We use containers to separate our recyclables.
9ReduceTo use less of something.We use containers to separate our recyclables.
10CompostOrganic waste turned into soil.We recycle paper to help save trees.


4. Pollution






1PollutionHarmful substances that make the environment dirty.Pollution can harm animals and plants.
2SmogThick fog or haze caused by pollution.The city had smog, making it hard to see.
3WasteUnwanted materials were thrown away.Waste can pollute rivers and oceans.
4ChemicalsSubstances used in manufacturing that can be harmful.Chemicals from factories can pollute the air.
5GarbageTrash that is thrown away.We need to manage our garbage properly.
6Air qualityThe cleanliness of the air we breathe.Good air quality means cleaner air.
7LandfillA place where garbage is buried.Landfills are used to store large amounts of trash.
8Oil spillWhen oil leaks into the ocean, harming wildlife.An oil spill can harm fish and birds.
9EmissionGases are released into the air from cars and factories.Car emissions contribute to air pollution.
10ContaminateTo make something dirty or unsafe.Contaminated water is unsafe to drink.


5. Conservation






1ConservationThe protection and care of the environment.Conservation helps keep nature safe and healthy.
2HabitatThe natural home of an animal or plant.Protecting habitats is important for wildlife.
3Wildlife Animals and plants living in the wild.Wildlife conservation helps endangered animals.
4EndangeredAt risk of becoming extinct.The panda is an endangered species.
5EcosystemA community of living things and their environment.The forest ecosystem includes trees, animals, and plants.
6Nature reserveA protected area for plants and animals.The nature reserve helps protect rare species.
7SustainabilityUsing resources in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.

Sustainability means we use resources wisely.


8GreenEnvironmentally friendly practices.Green energy comes from natural sources like the sun.
9ProtectTo keep something safe from harm.We must protect our environment from pollution.
10RecycleTo turn old items into new ones.

Recycling helps reduce waste and conserve resources.



In summary, learning vocabulary about the environment helps us understand the world around us and the importance of protecting it. By knowing these words, we can talk about ways to keep our air, water, and land clean. This knowledge also helps us think about what we can do to help take care of the planet, making it a better place for everyone to live.


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