"More & most" sử dụng thế nào cho đúng?
Th.ba, 22/12/2015, 07:00 Lượt xem: 11330

* More + noun/noun phrase: dùng như một định ngữ

- We need more time.

- More university students are having to borrow money these day.

* More + of + personal/geographic names

- It would be nice to see more of Ray and Barbara.

(Rất hay khi được gặp Ray và Barbara thường xuyên hơn.)

- Five hundred years ago, much more of Britain was covered with trees.

(500 năm trước đây, đa phần nước Anh phủ nhiều rừng hơn bây giờ nhiều)

* More of + determiner/pronoun (a/ the/ my/ this/ him/ them…)

- He is more of a fool than I thought.

(Nó là một thằng ngu hơn tôi tưởng nhiều)

- Three more of the missing climbers have been found.

- Could I have some more of that smoked fish.

- I don’t think any more of them want to come.

* One more/ two more… + noun/ noun phrase

- There is just one more river to cross.

Nhưng phải dùng cardinal number (số đếm) + noun + more (Five dollars more) nếu more mang nghĩa thêm nữa.

He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute $50 more.



* Most + noun = Đa phần, đa số

- Most cheese is made from cow’s milk.

- Most Swiss people understand French.

* Most + determiner/ pronoun (a, the, this, my, him…) = Hầu hết…

- He has eaten 2 pizzas and most of a cold chicken.

- Most of my friends live abroad.

- She has eaten most of that cake.

- Most of us thought he was wrong.

* Most cũng được dùng thay cho một danh từ, nếu ở trên, danh từ hoặc chủ ngữ đó đã được nhắc đến.

- Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood.

- Ann and Robby found a lot of blackberries, but Susan found the most.

* Most + adjective khi mang nghĩa very (không phổ biến)

- That is most kind of you.

- Thank you for a most interesting afternoon.