10 amazing nature facts to know
Th.ba, 24/09/2024, 13:57 Lượt xem: 5995


Nature is full of surprises and interesting facts that make us appreciate the world around us. From animals to plants, nature is always doing something incredible. Let's explore 10 amazing nature facts with IOE to learn more about the wonderful world we live in.




Trees can communicate with each other 


You might think trees are just silent and still, but they can actually "talk" to each other. Trees send signals through their roots using a network of fungi underground, called the "Wood Wide Web." When one tree is in trouble, like being attacked by insects, it can warn other trees by sending a signal. The other trees then prepare themselves to defend against the insects. 


Dolphins can name each other


Dolphins are very intelligent animals, and they have a special way of communicating. Just like humans give each other names, dolphins do something similar. They use unique whistles to "name" themselves, and other dolphins recognize them by their specific whistle. This means dolphins can call each other by name, which helps them stay in touch and communicate across large distances in the ocean. Scientists believe this is one of the many ways dolphins show their advanced social skills.

Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant 


Bamboo is an amazing plant known for how quickly it grows. It is the fastest-growing plant on Earth and can grow up to 91 centimetres (about 35 inches) in a single day! Bamboo is also very strong, and in some parts of the world, people use it to build houses, furniture, and even bridges. 


Elephants can remember everything

Elephants are known for having great memories. In fact, their ability to remember things helps them survive. Elephants can remember the locations of water sources, even if they haven't been there for many years. This helps them find water during dry seasons. 


Moreover, they can also remember other elephants and humans they've met in the past. If an elephant meets a friendly human, it will recognize them years later. This amazing memory allows elephants to build strong relationships within their families and adapt to changing environments.


Bees dance to communicate 

Bees are hardworking insects that play an important role in nature by pollinating flowers. But do you know that they also dance? Bees communicate with each other through a special dance called the "waggle dance." When a bee finds a good source of food, like a patch of flowers, it returns to the hive and performs this dance. The dance tells the other bees where to find the food and how far away it is. 

Interestingly, the angle and duration of the dance give the other bees all the information they need to find the flowers. It’s a very clever way to communicate!


Ants weigh more than human 

There are millions and millions of ants in the world, and together, they weigh more than all the humans on Earth! Ants live in large colonies, and there are so many of them that if you put all the ants in the world on one side of a scale and all the humans on the other side, the ants would weigh more. 


Ants are small, but they are incredibly strong and hardworking. They work together to find food and protect their colony. This fact shows that even the smallest creatures can have a big impact on the world.


Sloths are excellent swimmers


Sloths are known for being very slow on land, but did you know that they are excellent swimmers? Sloths spend most of their lives in trees, but when they need to, they can swim very well. 

In fact, sloths can move three times faster in water than on land. Sloths use their long arms to paddle through rivers and lakes in search of food or to escape danger. This surprising fact shows that even animals that seem slow and lazy have their unique abilities.


Sea otters hold hands while sleeping


Sea otters are one of the cutest animals in the ocean, and they have a special way of staying safe while they sleep. To avoid drifting away from each other in the water, sea otters hold hands while they sleep. This keeps them together and helps them stay close to their group. 

Sea otters also use kelp, a type of seaweed, to anchor themselves in one place. This adorable behaviour shows how much these animals rely on each other for safety and protection.


Penguins propose with pebbles

Penguins are known for being loyal and loving partners. When a male penguin wants to choose a mate, he searches for the perfect pebble to give to the female. If she accepts the pebble, they become mates. 


After they become mates, they often stay together for life, raising their chicks and protecting them from the cold. This sweet ritual makes penguins even more fascinating creatures.

Octopuses have three hearts

One of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean, the octopus, has not one, but three hearts! Two of these hearts pump blood to the octopus's gills, while the third heart pumps blood to the rest of the body. Even more interesting is that the third heart stops beating when the octopus swims, which is why octopuses prefer to crawl along the ocean floor rather than swim continuously.

In summary, nature is full of incredible facts that show how diverse and amazing the world around us is. As we learn more about nature, we realize how much there is still to discover and how important it is to protect our planet and all the living things that call it home.


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