How To Get Ready For A Test?
Th.Bảy, 05/06/2010, 10:31 Lượt xem: 2739

School takes a lot of time and effort. If you want to get good grades on your exams and quizzes, there are some basic principles to follow to get A’s and B’s.

Don’t wait! If you leave studying for the last minute you will have a really hard time passing the test. Revise your notes every day and familiarize yourself with the material. This way you will be ready if there is a pop quiz, too.

Don’t memorize! Lots of people do this just to pass a test. It really doesn’t pay off. Learn the subject, don’t just memorize facts for the test. Study the subject from different angles, take notes, makes charts. Find a quiet place to study every day.

If you feel lost, ask your parents for help. If they can’t help, then get a tutor who can come to your house to help you study.

Have a schedule and stick to it. You need a few hours every day to study, so block out that time and make sure to get the work done. If you can’t study at home go to the library.

If you like, meet up with friends to revise before a test. You can quiz each other and have fun while studying at the same time.