President Ho Chi Minh's Method of Learning Foreign Languages, 18/05/2010, 16:34 Lượt xem: 7477





In the summer 1911, he went to France,there, he learn the language. Since that time, he has used French in everything, from his daily life to his works figure out the way to Sane his home country and its people, Therefore, if he hadn’t understood French it would have been the biggest obstacle in his entire life work. He made it very important for himself that: “it’s essential to learn to write well”. So he always had his own method for learn French in any circumstance. When he was on the ship to teach how to write and speak on his free time, they lent him small French books. When he wanted to know anything in French, he pointed to it and asked French people, then wrote onto a piece of paper and struck it  in places he could see at any time in order to be able both to work and learn. At the sometime, he wrote on his arms. Every evening, after work, he noted new words again and before washing his arms. He made sentences to practice at least once after learning each new word.

A first, he practiced combining words and then gradually putting them paragraphs and finally into essays. After a period of time, Uncle Ho went to some French Newspapers to have his writings printed. When writings for newspapers, he always made 2 copies of his work, he kept one and the other was sent to the Editorial Office.

He would then say to them that: “I able very happy if my writing were printed.Please, help me correct any French mistakes”. He was very delighted when each writing was printed, but he still reviewed each word carefully to know which where the correct sentences, which had and how the Editorial Office corrected them. He wrote again and again according to the instructions he head sometimes he wrote to what do you mean ? a note back a shorter and more concise work.

Despite how busy his work made him he take time to read novels not only for entertainment and relaxing but also knowledge after each working day. He usually read some works of Tonxtoi to learn his writings and arguments then he practiced writing short reports every morning from 5 a.m to 6.30 a.m. He started his work at 7 a.m. Despite if the weather was hot or cold, he was never discouraged. Up to 1922, he was head editor of the week “Nguoi cung kho” in 3 languages. The title in French was between, Arab works were on the left and Chinese works are on the right, all of which were written by Uncle Ho. Because the Editorial Office didn’t often have head editor sometimes he had to take upon himself tasks such as: correction, editing and even selling the newspapers.




After he could use this instek French, he came to England. He quickly looked for work, his this job there was as a furnece worker, he got ill because of the hard work, and left to go work in the Carton Hotel. He worked from 8 a.m to 12a.m in the morning and from 5 p.m to 10 p.m in the evening. He had to save money to by book, he only had a few notebooks and a pencil for his studies. He went to Heyder Garden where there were many big trees and old light pillars for self – learning. Time later revealed that he want there to learn because the cold weather kept him awake and there fore could focused on his learning. After a working week he spent  all money he saved to learn English with an Italian Professor on the weekends. Rernedipet saids about him in a Newspaper named: “ The Movement”

When he was in London come, he had  different jobs to earn money for his studies. During the war, he spent many time studying world history, learning English and thinking of.

Source: "Bảo vệ Pháp luật"