How to Be a Fun Person to Be Around
Th.Bảy, 05/06/2010, 16:45 Lượt xem: 2563

1. Offer to pay for everything, if you can. It really makes people want to have you around. But don't let people take advantage of you. You want people to like you for your personality, NOT YOUR MONEY.

2. Smile! Not only does it make you feel good, it will make other people feel good!

3. Before you say something, think about it and put yourself in the shoes of the person you are going to say it to. If it sounds weird in any way, don't say it. If it sounds funny, do.

4. Don't worry about life so much, that doesn't mean that you should go around being stupid just so people think you don't care about life.

5. Be confident about yourself.

6. Laugh at yourself. And no, this doesn't mean laugh at a joke you made when no one else is laughing, it means take yourself less seriously and loosen up. If you laugh when you mess up, it lightens up the crowd. If you're laughing too, people aren't laughing at you; they're laughing with you.

7. Be flexible and try to mix with various type of people.

8. Pick up a talent that people will always be astonished at. The most important thing is that you love doing it, though.

9. One thing that makes some people boring is the way they talk. "Uh, hello. How are you?" is the wrong way. Put more energy into that greeting.

10. If you are going to make jokes, you have to have the right timing. If someone burps, it's not funny saying "Well put." or "Really?" a minute after it happened. you have to be at the right place at the right time. Plus, laughing at or making crude jokes just encourages them, which you don't want to do.

11. Be nice. Don't say anything mean about anybody, nobody likes to be talked about behind his/her back. If you have an issue with somebody, confront them calmly and respectfully. Make sure it is in a way they well take seriously, and take well.

12. Be an individual. Have you ever noticed that people who are unique and spontaneous have the most friends? Don't be afraid to stand out in the crowd. Do your own thing.

13. Be a social butterfly. Talk to people you don't know very well and find out something about them. That way the next time you talk you will have something to say.

14. Make new friends. Don't always be with the same people. Meet new friends.

Source: Ronaldolover7, Rob S, Anonymous