Ngân hàng IELTS: Speaking – Thành ngữ và từ vựng về các mối quan hệ
Th.tư, 27/06/2018, 15:27 Lượt xem: 5225

  • Chuyên đề Ngân hàng IELTS 

Một số từ vựng và thành ngữ về các mối quan hệ:

 When you move to a new city, it can be hard to make friends. You’ll probably have a number of casual acquaintances – people who you know on a basic level, but with whom you don’t have a significant relationship. Over time, some of these may becomegood friends or close friends – these collocations refer to friends with whom you have an especially strong relationship.

  • make friends: kết bạn
  • casual accquaintances: mối quan hệ xã giao
  • good friends: bạn tốt
  • close friends: bạn thân

Do you believe in love at first sight? That’s when two people meet each other and immediately fall in love – perhaps because they have strong chemistry – this expression describes strong compatibility or connection between two possible romantic partners. Some people believe that their significant other (their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife) is their soul mate – this is a poetic expression that means that two people are destined to be together.

  • love at first sight: tiếng sét ái tình
  • fall in love: phải lòng
  • have strong chemistry: phản ứng hóa học 
  • one’s significant other: một nửa đặc biệt
  • soul mate: tri kỉ

It’s possible for one person to have feelings for another person – this expression is an indirect way to describe romantic feelings – but if the other person doesn’t feel the same way, then the feeling is not mutual. The other person might say “he’s/ she’s just not my type” – meaning that they are interested in people of a different type of personality/appearance. Ah, there’s nothing sadder than unrequited love! (Love that is not returned).

  • have feelings: có cảm giác
  • he’s/she’s just not my type: bạn không phải mẫu người của tôi (cách nói từ chối)
  • there’s nothing sadder than unrequited love: tình yêu không được đáp lại

Some people marry their childhood sweetheart or high school/college sweetheart – this expression refers to a boyfriend or girlfriend from your childhood, teenage, or college years. Other couples are introduced by a mutual friend – one friend that the two people have in common. When the couple is ready to make a commitment, the man proposes to the woman – he asks her to marry him. If the marriage is good, then we say the couple ishappily married.

  • childhood sweetheart: người yêu thanh mai trúc mã
  • high school/ college sweetheart: người yêu thời học sinh/ sinh viên
  • mutual friend: người bạn chung
  • proposes to the woman: cầu hôn người phụ nữ 
  • (be) happily married: cuộc hôn nhân hạnh phúc

Unfortunately, not all love stories have a happy ending. Sometimes a husband or wife has an affair – they have sex with a different person. We can also say that they are cheating on their husband/wife. The expression have an affair” is typically used only for married couples, and the expression cheating on can be used for married couples or for boyfriends/girlfriends.

  • have an affair: ngoại tình
  • cheat on: phụ bạc
