Lateral thinking is a term coined by Edward de Bono in the book New Think. It refers to solving problems through an indirect and creative approach. Lateral thinking is about reasoning that is not immediately obvious and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.
By Shelley Vernon
I’d like to make the case today that most of us are in the position to endorse one of the most basic premises of content-based instruction (CBI) and that’s making a dual commitment to language and content learning.
There are many things which can interfere with effective reading. Some of these involve common sense, and can be easily changed. Others are more subtle, and may require long and patient effort if they are to be overcome. Obviously, we should make the simple changes first, since these will give the greatest improvement with the least effort.
An experiment carried out by Dr. Perry (psychologist), Director of the Harvard Reading-Study Center.
Tense can be defined as the linguistic expression of time relations. Time is independent of language and is common to all human beings. It is conceptualized by many peoples, though not necessarily by all, as being divided into past time, present time and future time.
According to a survey conducted by the Vietnam Institute for Educational Research, up to 83 percent of university graduates are considered by employers to be lacking “life skills”.
The following tips are based in part on a document prepared by Steve Houseworth, formerly of the Duke University Sociology Department, and in part on materials developed by Scott Plous of the Wesleyan University Psychology Department. Most of the recommendations are taken from an AATBS manual designed for the psychology licensure exam, from research on testing and test anxiety, and from the experience of both professors.
The SQ3R method is a comprehension method originally created as a study skill strategy for college students. However, with direct teaching and practice, the SQ3R method works with students starting in the early elementary levels as well.